Archives de catégorie : Ecoles d’Annezin

Happy Thanksgiving from Annezin !

Voici une activité pour Thanksgiving pour les élevés dans CM1 et CM2. Mais ça marche bien pour CE1 et CE2 oralement. Ça prend assez 45 minuits.


Expliquez l’origine de Thanksgiving. Utilisez beaucoup des images pour bien expliquer toute l’histoire en anglais. J’ai expliqué que c’est vraiment une histoire avec des Native Americans et Pilgrims, comme un légende, pour les gens qui sentent inconfortable.

J’ai souligné les traditions maintenant et bien expliqué le repas. Aussi, j’ai souligné que c’est une journée pour dire remercie à tous les gens et réfléchir. Ça c’est l’inspiration pour l’activité.

Faites des dindes classiques avec la main ! On mets le titre sur le feuille « I am thankful for… » Les élevés dessinent sur la main.

Donc, donnez quatre catégories. J’ai choisi la famille, la cuisine, les activités, et le choix. Chaque élevé choisi une chose dans chaque catégorie pour dire remercie. Toute en anglais.

Par exemple, I am thankful for… my father, fries and mussels, gymnastics, and my best friend Jade.

Ils écrivent chaque mot ou chaque phrase dans chaque doigt mais pas le pouce. Après, ils peuvent colorer la dinde et dessiner le visage de la dinde dans le pouce. Montrez quelques exemples avec des dessines et des couleurs différents.

Après, entre deux élèves, ils présentent ses dindes oralement donc toute le monde peut pratiquer.

Voir une vidéo

Ensuite prendre des volontiers pour présenter pour toute la classe.

Allow me to introduce myself…


Hello my name is Arielle Exner. I’m 22 years old. I’m from the state of Wisconsin in the United States, specifically a suburb of Milwaukee called Racine.

I graduated from Boston University where I earned my Bachelors of Science in sociology, while also studying french and journalism. There, I had the opportunity to study in Paris for four months in the spring of 2015. After my time spent there, I knew I wanted to return to France as soon as possible to continue improving my french and learning more about the culture.

In my spare time, I enjoy writing, reading, photography, travel and listening to music. Growing up, I also danced ballet, contemporary, etc. and played violin.

I have two sisters and one brother who all currently reside in Chicago. My parents still reside in Racine. I have a 2-year-old niece and a nephew on the way!

Currently I live in Bethune with a host family. I work in two primary schools in Annezin and Hinges. I’m very grateful to be here in France and a part of this program. I love working with the students and teachers while immersing myself in another country’s way of life.

After TAPIF, I’m going to return to Chicago and spend a lot of time with my family. I would like to continue my studies and earn my masters in public policy with a focus on education policy. I hope to continue to use french in my professional and personal life. I would love to live and work here again sometime in the near future.

Présentation d’Erin

Hello! My name is Erin Houghton. I am 22 years old and I come from the United States. In the United States, I live in Michigan. My hometown is Troy, Michigan and I went to Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan.

Sparty, the mascot of Michigan State University, and me
Fun fact- Michigan is shaped like a mitten!

I like dogs, dancing, and watching TV. I don’t like video games or spiders. I have one brother named Brett and one dog named Katie. This year, I live in Béthune, France. Next year, I will go back to Michigan.

Troy, Michigan is about 20 minutes north of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit is known for Motown music and the auto industry. There are also four major professional sports teams in Detroit- Detroit Lions (American football), Detroit Pistons (basketball), Detroit Red Wings (hockey), and Detroit Tigers (baseball).

My friends and me at a baseball game- Go Detroit Tigers!

My university’s colors are green are white. At Michigan State American football and basketball games, everyone cheers « GO GREEN!!! GO WHITE!!!! »

Spartan Stadium- where the Michigan State Spartans play American football

Activities with John

I have had a lot of activities which I’ve done with the students this year.  We had an English breakfast, where we sang a song and the children had to ask for things they wanted in English.

We also taught the children, at the preschool, a song « We Wish You a Merry Christmas » which they sang at a performance for the parents.

Besides this I have been playing lots of games and using flash cards to teach vocabulary.  The children have been really interested in me and so they learn a lot of english by asking me things they want to know and trying to speak to me in English.

So far, they have learned, to some degree, colors, numbers, simple sentences, some animals and emotions (happy, sad, tired, etc)

I think the most important thing is trying to be friendly and developing a desire to speak English out of a natural curiosity.


A huge resource for teaching has been the website

petit déjeuner anglais à l’école du Centre d’Annezin

Lundi 1er décembre, John assistait au petit déjeuner anglais qui regroupait les 7 classes de l’école du Centre d’Annezin. Au menu: baked beans, bacon, toasts, muffins, marmelade, butter, tea, sugar, cereals with milk and orange juice. Chaque classe avait affiché ses décorations anglaises et a présenté un poème ou une chanson pour le concours de la meilleure classe … et tout le monde a gagné le droit d’ouvrir des christmas crackers. Thanks John for your help!IMG_0016 IMG_0020 IMG_0045