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Thanksgiving à l’école Rostand de Grenay

Pourquoi nous fêtons Thanksgiving ?

Jeudi 22 novembre, nous avons souhaité « Happy Thanksgiving » à Katie, notre assistante américaine qui vient de Chicago.
Les Pélerins (Pilgrims) arrivés en Amérique en 1620 ont souffert du froid et de la faim. Les Amérindiens (Native Americans) les ont aidés en leur apprennant comment survivre. Depuis, tous les ans, ils fêtent cela pour se souvenir de leur aide.
Ce jour-là, les américains font un festin pour ce jour férié très spécial. Ils mangent de la dinde (turkey) avec de la sauce (gravy) et des patates douces (sweet potatoes), des cranberries et de la tarte à la citrouille (pumpkin pie).

Voilà pourquoi nous avons fêté Thanksgiving dans la classe avec Katie : nous avons pu déguster une délicieuse tarte à la citrouille préparée par Mme Aiello et aussi des cranberries secs. C’était excellent !


11 novembre à l’école Rostand de Grenay

100 ans après la signature de l’armistice mettant fin à la 1ère Guerre Mondiale, les élèves de CM2 de l’école Jean Rostand de Grenay ont rendu hommage à toutes les personnes disparues en chantant 3 couplets de la Marseillaise, ainsi que le refrain bien sûr!

En classe, les élèves ont également travaillé sur la Grande Guerre en anglais, avec l’aide de l’assistante américaine Katie, qui les a aidés à comprendre le symbole du coquelicot pour les anglo-saxons, grâce notamment au poème « In Flanders Fields », écrit par le colonel John McCrae, et qu’ils ont récité devant le cimetière britannique de la ville. Tous les enfants de l’école ont fabriqué des coquelicots avec Katie, et les CM2 ont pu en profiter pour faire de la géométrie en anglais, puisque la fabrication des « poppies » a nécessité de suivre un programme de construction précis. Le jour de la commémoration, chaque enfant a donc porté son coquelicot en hommage aux disparus britanniques, canadiens et américains.




The children at Labeuvrire school worked very hard to prepare for our Scottish afternoon.


In the weeks leading up to this, the CM1 and CM2 class learned 2 different traditional Scottish dances, « the gay gordans » and « strip the willow ». We learned these in stages and practiced with traditional Scottish music. The children found it hilarious when I explained that the men always wear kilts at celebrations such as weddings, parties, or ceilidhs.

Every class also prepared different Scottish cakes and treats. As these recipes were in English, we worked together to understand the instructions and pieces of vocabulary for the ingredients. The children in the maternelle class made shortbread, the CP and CE1 made fruit scones. The CE2 class made some oat based biscuits. However, by far the favourite was the CM1/CM2 class’s « Dundee cake ». We discovered that this cake comes from the city of « Dundee », famous for its marmalade, also found in this sweet treat!


The celebration included a continuous slideshow of pictures of the beautiful Scottish highlands, castles and main attractions. The children also had the great surprise of meeting a « piper »! He brought his Scottish bagpipes, playing famous songs from my home. He even let some of the children try and play the instrument, proving you must have a really strong set of lungs to even make a sound! To finish the evening the CM classes presented their Scottish country dances and sang the English Christmas songs that we had been working on.

Overall, the show was a huge success, bringing a bit of my home to life in Labeuvrire.


All About Me

With the CM1 and CM2s we worked on an “All About Me” page. They have worked very hard so far this year and I wanted them to see how much English vocabulary they already had.

The sheet used some entences they already knew such as “I am _____ years old”, “I am from _____”, and “My friends are ______”.  They were quickly able to fill out these parts of the sheets.

Next, we filled out the parts of the sheet that had some words they recognized, but not all. An examples would be “This is my family”.  Together we used the words they already knew to piece together the whole sentence. Since they already had most of the vocabulary needed, once they figured out what it was asking, it was easy for them fill in the answer. We were also able to learn some new vocabulary as it applied to their families (“step-sister”, “half-brother”, etc.).

Then, there were a few sentences that where everything about them was new. For instance, “I want to be a ________ when I grow up.” For this one, both the question and the vocabulary needed to answer were new.

Once we finished, everyone took turns presenting at the front of their class. It was nice to learn more about the students and have them learn a little more about each other.


dsc_8333Hello, my name is Lucia. I am an English language assistant at two schools in Noyelles-Godault and I live in Arras.

I was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala but I grew up in Prince Edward Island, Canada. I graduated from the University of Prince Edward Island with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Next fall I will be back at university to complete a Bachelor’s in Radiography.

I love to travel and am thankful to be able to discover so many new places this year.

Jingle Bell Rock?

Pour le concert de noël, chaque classe à l’École Ferdinand Buisson a chanté des chansons en français, …et en plus une chanson en anglais ! Le CM1/CM2 a chanté « Jingle Bell Rock, » le CE1/CE2 « We Wish You A Merry Christmas, » et le CP/CE1 « Jingle Bells. » Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, j’ai passé à peu près toutes les deux semaines avant les vacances en chantant.

Dans cet article, je vais vous parler de notre première leçon sur Jingle Bell Rock. J’avais décidé de mettre l’emphase sur les verbes d’actions : blowing (souffler), mixing (mélanger), swinging (balancer), dancing (danser), etc. Ce sont des mots pratiques qui nous permettraient de bouger, ce que les enfants semblent beaucoup aimer.


Donc, après notre routine avec la date et la météo, je leur ai donné une idée des verbes d’action, en employant des flashcards. Ils ont écouté, répété, et fait les actions avec plaisir (enfin, la plupart.) Éric, l’instituteur, a comme d’habitude m’aidé en expliquant des mots que j’ai utilisés et que les enfants n’ont pas compris. Puis, nous avons écouté la chanson en faisant les actions quand les mots ont revenu. Finalement, nous avons travaillé spécifiquement sur le premier couplet.

Et voilà c’était l’heure de manger ! Je n’ai pas vu le temps passer.


Let’s Bake!

At l’Ecole de Conteville, with CM and CE2, we have started our own Bake Off!

Each week, a group of 4 students will be baking a different recipe. We are learning a lot of new vocabulary; including the ingredients (such as flour, sugar, butter, oats, cranberries, oil), the utensils (such as spatula, chopping board, mixing bowl, spoon, fork, knife) and the method (for example chop, measure, mix, pour). We are also learning cooking skills and working together as a group.

We made a list of the ingredients and utensils as well as writing the process of how we made the cake.

Week 1: Oat & Banana Cake











« It smells delicious! »

We cut the cake in 22 pieces so everyone could try a bit (including the teachers).

We are going to put together a recipe for everyone so they can make it at home!

Allow me to introduce myself…


Hello my name is Arielle Exner. I’m 22 years old. I’m from the state of Wisconsin in the United States, specifically a suburb of Milwaukee called Racine.

I graduated from Boston University where I earned my Bachelors of Science in sociology, while also studying french and journalism. There, I had the opportunity to study in Paris for four months in the spring of 2015. After my time spent there, I knew I wanted to return to France as soon as possible to continue improving my french and learning more about the culture.

In my spare time, I enjoy writing, reading, photography, travel and listening to music. Growing up, I also danced ballet, contemporary, etc. and played violin.

I have two sisters and one brother who all currently reside in Chicago. My parents still reside in Racine. I have a 2-year-old niece and a nephew on the way!

Currently I live in Bethune with a host family. I work in two primary schools in Annezin and Hinges. I’m very grateful to be here in France and a part of this program. I love working with the students and teachers while immersing myself in another country’s way of life.

After TAPIF, I’m going to return to Chicago and spend a lot of time with my family. I would like to continue my studies and earn my masters in public policy with a focus on education policy. I hope to continue to use french in my professional and personal life. I would love to live and work here again sometime in the near future.

Hi I’m Frances

Frances photo

My name is Frances. I am an English language assistant at Ferdinand Buisson School in Saint Omer. I’m 22.

I’m Taiwanese-American. I spent most of my life in the « tri-state area ». I grew up in the states of New York and New Jersey and then did my studies at Yale University in Connecticut.

I have a younger sister who is in fact so much taller and fashionable than I am that everyone thinks she is the older sister.

I like to learn languages, travel, and take photos. I would like to use my time in France to improve my French and explore Europe.

About Me



My name is Emily Oot and I am from New Jersey.  I am an English language assistant in the Pas-de-calais region in france this year, and I teach at a primary school in  Lens.

In May, I graduated from West Virginia University with a Masters Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language and French studies. I am very interested in continuing my studies in Second Language Acquisition.

In my free time, I like to read, listen to music, and watch Netflix. I also try to travel during my vacation periods, as this is a wonderful opportunity to explore and see different countries and cultures!