Welcome to the Pas de Calais


As a FLA you will be working 12 hours a week in a primary school. However it could occur that your working time would be shared. In that case these 12 hours would have to be done in a maximum of three schools. You have to start on October 1st and you’ll finish at the end of April. You have to know that your are not supposed to be in charge of teaching but to work as an assistant with the Teacher. You could be asked to prepare lesson plans according to the guidelines given by the teacher. However you’re expected as well to share your home culture and you shouldn’t delay in preparing activities to share with pupils in that purpose. Continuer la lecture de Welcome to the Pas de Calais

Activities with Valerie

At my school: For Christmas I taught my CM2 classes how to sing «The 12 Days of Christmas» which they then sang to their parents and the rest of the school before the holidays.

The CM1 class worked very hard making crackers and Christmas cards for the students of our partner school in Suffolk.


Now we have been working a lot on emotions, and how to express how you and others are feeling.


I am currently working on a presentation on my hometown that I will show to my classes. My students have expressed a lot of curiosity about where I come from, and I am happy to share it with them!


I was recently featured in La Voix du Nord in Bethune. I was interviewed by the press and they asked me how I was adjusting to France.


See also here: Verquin : une assistante américaine apprend l’anglais aux enfants des écoles – La Voix du Nord



Grille de positionnement de l’assistant (compétences).


Katie Lllewellyn ID card3 Katie Lllewellyn ID card4Activities that I have done in school:

Journée de gout– for Halloween, I did a recipe with the older classes (muffins, brownies) in English and helped bake with them- see the photos of all the goodies

-PE in English– I take a PE class once a week in which we play ‘Simon says’ , and sing various English songs that require a lot of movement. We also play ‘Steal the Bacon’, using colour/number vocabulary which always goes down really well!

-Lots of games and songs– in order to practice vocabulary, use plenty of flashcards to play bingo and then use maze with the flashcards in groups of four. Use word games, such as word-searches and hangman. Songs such as ‘hello, hello, hello, what’s you name’

– Lots of themed activities– for example, Christmas, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night- history, traditions and then specific vocabulary

Katie Lllewellyn ID card2




Grille de positionnement de l’assistant (compétences).

Activities with Kevin

I have done several activities with the kids including:

  • An american breakfast with bacon, eggs and toast. I also sang

  • Singing english christmas carols for the parents at the Libercourt Christmas market.

  • CM2 weather project with the collège, where the students presented the weather

Kevin Froehlich

Playing a weather memory game with CE2’s