Courtney Hlebo

Voici la présentation de Courtney.


My name is Courtney Hlebo.

I am from California, in the United States.

I am 24 years old.

I like writing, cooking, reading, and doing yoga.

This year I have traveled to Switzerland and Spain. I hope to travel to Italy soon.

Last year I lived in Ventura, a city in California by the beach. I worked as an editor, helping to make books.

This year I live in Arras. I teach English at schools in Rœux and Monchy-le-Preux.

Next year I will live in the United States again.

Ventura is well-known for surfing. This is a popular sport in California. Many surfers come to Ventura to ride the big waves on the ocean using their surfboards. I tried surfing once. I liked surfing, but it is harder than it looks!



Outside of school, I have been enjoying making new friends in France. I think people in this region are very friendly and welcoming. In November, I invited some of my new friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with me. Thanksgiving is an American holiday where we eat a special meal with family or friends. We also talk about things we are thankful for. I am thankful for my family, my friends, and my country. I am also thankful to be in France this year.



Listen to Courtney give this presentation in English!