Let’s Decorate for Christmas!


Before Christmas, students in various levels had been learning the colors in English. At Rœux, I reviewed the colors and introduced new Christmas vocabulary while decorating the class Christmas tree with the CP students. One by one, students came to the front of the class to search through a box of Christmas decorations after I asked them questions like, “Can you find a red garland?” or “Can you find a blue ornament?” Before a decoration could be placed on the tree, the entire class had to be in agreement that the decoration was indeed the right color!

Chez les petits at Monchy-le-Preux, students reviewed the names of the colors and learned new Christmas vocabulary, like “Christmas tree” and “ornament.” We practiced the old and new vocabulary by playing a game to decorate a Christmas tree cutout. Students listened as I said, “a blue ornament,” “a yellow ornament,” etc. and worked together to find the correct color paper ornament. Here are the students with their beautifully decorated Christmas tree!
