CE2 Ski Trip

On 17th Janurary the CE2 class from Labeuvriere left for a week skiing in Lamoura in the Jura mountains. Out of 24 children, only 5 children had skied before therefore they were mostly about to ski for the first time. After a long journey, we arrived in the mountains to lots of snow, which was a relief after having such a warm winter!

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Not only did we ski in the week, we also went on a racket walk through the forest whilst learning about the animals in surroundings. On the Friday we had a cross-country ‘ski de fond’ session.5

My purpose on the ski trip was to speak to the children in English; to wake them up, at the dinner table, whilst getting ready etc. We also filmed an english video of the children in their ski gear, telling the camera each item of clothing in English.