Activities with Chris

Activities in school:

American pancake breakfast – Students had the awesome opportunity to taste American style pancakes with maple syrup.

Halloween treats (tarte au potiron, frites patate douce) – I baked a « pumpkin pie » and made mini jack-o-laterns of sweet potatoes

Thanksgiving history (pièce de théâtre) – Students were able to learn the traditional pilgrim story and dressed up in pilgrim costumes

English immersion breakfast – I accompanied the CM2 classes at the local Collège for a typical English breakfast with toast, marmalade, baked beans, oatmeal and bacon.

We often use songs and chants to learn new material.

We often use songs and chants to learn new material.

Hello, what’s your name ?

Hello… to you !

Clean up

One little indians

Santa is his name

Black cat, blue skies


We also do warm-ups and recreational games in english.

Run, Walk, Stretch

Red Light, Green Light

Steal the Bacon

Activities from Blair Paskin

In school activities:

  • Cooking: Made jelly and custard with Ce2 to follow on from their learning of typical English food.
  • English Project: Helping with a project about England, particularly London (including sports, food, monuments, tourism etc).
  • PE: Doing P.E. in English and giving instructions such as ‘sit on the floor’ and ‘jump’, then playing Simon Says with all that they have learnt.
  • Games: such as ‘what’s missing?’ and ‘bingo’ to aid the learning of vocabulary with flashcards.

Activities with John

I have had a lot of activities which I’ve done with the students this year.  We had an English breakfast, where we sang a song and the children had to ask for things they wanted in English.

We also taught the children, at the preschool, a song « We Wish You a Merry Christmas » which they sang at a performance for the parents.

Besides this I have been playing lots of games and using flash cards to teach vocabulary.  The children have been really interested in me and so they learn a lot of english by asking me things they want to know and trying to speak to me in English.

So far, they have learned, to some degree, colors, numbers, simple sentences, some animals and emotions (happy, sad, tired, etc)

I think the most important thing is trying to be friendly and developing a desire to speak English out of a natural curiosity.


A huge resource for teaching has been the website

petit déjeuner anglais à l’école du Centre d’Annezin

Lundi 1er décembre, John assistait au petit déjeuner anglais qui regroupait les 7 classes de l’école du Centre d’Annezin. Au menu: baked beans, bacon, toasts, muffins, marmelade, butter, tea, sugar, cereals with milk and orange juice. Chaque classe avait affiché ses décorations anglaises et a présenté un poème ou une chanson pour le concours de la meilleure classe … et tout le monde a gagné le droit d’ouvrir des christmas crackers. Thanks John for your help!IMG_0016 IMG_0020 IMG_0045