Frosty the Snowman – Lauren

During my time at the schofrosty-screenshotol, I have completed different activities with the children. Before Christmas, I decided to teach the younger children a popular Christmas song called “Frosty the Snowman”.

In order to teach the children this song, I decided to first of all teach them some of the key words. To do this, I displayed words like “snowman”, “nose” and “eyes” on the smartboard alongside pictures of what these words meant. After revising the words with the pictures for a while, I then took the words away and pointed at the pictures asking individual children what the picture was.

Once the children had grasped the meanings of the words, I then sang the song to them in full with actions to let them hear what they would be learning. I then split the song into small sections and sang it asking them to “repeat after me”. Since there are 4 verses to the song I decided to teach 2 verses one week and 2 the next so that they had enough time to learn it.

By the end of the second week the children had learned the song and to have a bit of fun with it I decided to play a game of “fill in the blanks”.  To do this, I sang the song to the children but missed out a few words, e.g. I sang “Frosty the snowman was a jolly …” and then I pointed to a child and they sang the next word “happy”. This allowed me to ensure all the children had learned the song and they also had great fun trying to remember the missing words.