« My Family » – @ École Thérèse Cauche

My name is Emily and I work at École Thérèse Cauche. This week, I did a lesson with the CM2 class on « My Family ».  The objective for this lesson was to introduce the vocabulary, along with the possesive adjective « my ».  Along with this, I wanted to incorporate a cultural aspect, so I did this by teaching the students the different « nicknames » we call our parents/siblings in English. For example, I explained to them that I call my mother « Mom » and I call my grandmother « Nana ».


I introduced the vocabulary by showing photos of my family members and sticking them on the whiteboard with magnets. I wrote underneath the photos « my dad », « my sister », etc. The lesson was interactive, as the children have seen some photos before in a previous presentation, so I would ask them if they recognized these people. I also asked the students about their families, if they have sisters or brothers, pets, etc.

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After I finished the presentation portion of the lesson, I moved on to the activity. The students took out their whiteboards as I explained the instructions. The activity was an interpersonal activity. The students were asked to use the sentence : « I have a _____ » (family member, e.g. mom). They were asked to write these sentences and then draw the member of their family next to it. Once they were finished, they would talk to their partner and read their sentences about their family.

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Once all the students were finished and had spoken with at least one classmate. I asked for volunteers to come to the front of the class with their whiteboards and tell us about their family/read their sentences.